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Believe In Your Story | Rising Above Imposter Syndrome

You've taken the leap, written the words, launched your business venture - you've started putting in the work to turn your dreams into your reality. You should feel pride in every step forward, big or small, but now there’s this pesky little voice whispering doubts and fears, suggesting you’re not quite enough, and you'll be exposed for it sooner or later. That, my friend, is imposter syndrome – the all-too-familiar feeling that you're a fraud, and soon enough, everyone's going to find out.

But guess what? Even the most successful people grapple with this.

The difference? They've learned ways of dealing with it.

Most of us have been here, felt this, heard that nagging voice at one point or another, and it's something we’ve all had to learn to manage. We're here to tell you that you are enough, you are capable, and you have what it takes to succeed, and share a few ways you can start to manage feeling like an imposter:

🤔 Recognize Imposter Syndrome for What It Is: Acknowledge the thoughts and feelings without giving them power. This isn’t some psychic prediction of your future; it’s just anxiety doing its thing. Whenever you catch those thoughts - the ones that tell you 'you can't do this', 'you're not good enough', or 'who do you think you are, you don't have what it takes!' , distance yourself from them, consider them with curiosity, and question whether they are true (hint: they're not). Remember, imposter syndrome is a common psychological pattern, not a prophecy.

🔄 Reframe Your Thoughts: Every time that little voice of doubt speaks up, challenge it. Instead of saying, “I’m not a real author,” try, “I am learning and growing with every word I write.” Swap “I don’t belong here” with “I earned my place here just like everyone else.” The more you practice questioning the truth of these thoughts and replacing them with affirmative phrases, the easier this will get (after all - cells that fire together, wire together!). It’s not about faking it till you make it; it’s about retraining your brain to recognize your own worth.

🗣️ Talk About It: You’d be surprised how many others feel the same way, but you'll start to figure out just how many people go through the same thing once you start to talk about it. Reach out to mentors, peers, or online forums. Sharing your experiences not only helps to normalize these feelings but also provides perspective, and many people can share how they deal with it themselves. Sometimes, just knowing you’re not alone in this boat can be incredibly reassuring.

🎉 Celebrate Every Win: Did you finish a chapter today? Nailed a business pitch? Fixed a plot hole? Worked up the confidence to leap into a new business arena? Take a moment to celebrate these wins, no matter how small they may seem. Acknowledging progress, effort, and success helps to build a solid foundation of self-assurance that can weather the storms of doubt - and those small wins will grow bigger and bigger!

🌟 Remember Why You Started: There’s a reason you’re on this path. Remember it. Whether it’s a passion for storytelling or a dream to run your own business, reconnect with that initial spark and remind yourself of it frequently. Start with your 'why' and keep it close-by; consider writing it on a post-it on your desk, scribbling it your whiteboard, or placing it as the background of your screen. Your dreams, vision and passion are the true guides, not the unfounded fears that imposter syndrome brings.

Is there a single cure to imposter syndrome? Of course not. Dealing with imposter syndrome isn't about conquering it once and for all; it's about learning to move forward despite it. Every author and business owner faces self-doubt at some point, but not everyone learns to rise above it. By acknowledging these feelings, sharing your experience, reframing negative thoughts, celebrating your victories, and remembering your purpose, you’re not just dealing with imposter syndrome; you’re taking charge of your narrative. Use these strategies to silence that voice, write that next chapter, seal that business deal, and embrace your accomplishments with confidence - you've got this!

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