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3 Game-Changing Tips for Self-Editing!

So, you've finished your website copy, an article you hope your favourite magazine will pick up, that short story you've been working on perfecting, the novel you've spent months tirelessly poring over - go you! But wait... Before you rush to hit the 'send' or 'publish' button and share it with the world, you'll need to tackle that self-editing chore. Heck, you'd even be better off giving it a shot before sending it off to a professional editor (the less work for them means more money in your own pocket)! Editing can admittedly be a huge challenge, so here are three simple (yet highly effective) strategies that we use at The Writing Studio to turn good drafts into great final copies:

1. The Cool-Off Period

Here's the deal: immediately after writing, you're too attached to your words... Hey, it happens to the very best of us. At this stage, it is so important to give yourself a break! Take a walk, binge a television show, and wait a day (or week) or two. If you skip this, you'll only find yourself culling whole phrases that your tired brain thinks are rubbish (while the rational brain is crying out "hey, that was working so well!") or doing damage that will only create more work for yourself (or editor) later. Take the time, then return with fresh eyes and a rejuvenated spirit - you'll be amazed at how much clearer you can see things that need tweaking, and give yourself credit for the great work you've done!

2. Read Aloud – And Listen

Ever heard the phrase "It sounded better in my head"? Avoid this pitfall by reading your piece aloud (and if you are feeling brave, aloud to another). Trust us; this one is a game-changer. Your ears might catch awkward phrasings or repetitive words that your eyes just skimmed over, and if you stumble while reading a sentence, it's likely that your readers will too. Reading your draft aloud is an excellent way to ensure your writing has a natural, conversational flow and let you experience it in another way.

3. Shake Up Your Perspective

Ever felt stuck in a rut when editing in the same old spot? Sometimes, a change of scenery is all you need to refresh your perspective; whether it's moving from your desk to the balcony, heading to a local café, or even just rearranging your workspace, mixing things up can provide a fresh burst of inspiration. You might even consider simply changing the colour of your document, or switching up the font, to read your writing in a different way (Does that count as a bonus tip?). Different environments can spark different ways of thinking, help you approach your work with a renewed energy and mindset, and sharpen your mind a bit in the process. So, if you're feeling stuck, pick up your work and change your view – your draft will thank you for it!

Alright - with these three strategies, you're now ready to dive back into your work and refine it to perfection! Remember, every great writer has an even greater editor within them... And if you still want a fresh set of eyes on your work once you're happy (or exhausted!) with the final draft, always feel free to send your work out way! Unleash your inner editor and let your writing shine brighter than ever.

Happy editing! 🌟

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